Meet the Year 2 Team
Welcome Year 2 Parents
Please use the tabs on this page to find some helpful information about Year 2.
Our Year 2 Team this year are:
Class Leaders:
Mrs Qureshi Mrs Karia Mrs Monterio Miss Greaves
Learning Coaches:
Mrs Qayum Mrs Kaur Mrs Rayat Mrs Bains Mrs Kumar
For information about school timings, PE days, library and healthy lunches have a look at the information on our ‘Meet the Teacher’ tab.
For a glimpse of the Topics we will be covering in our learning see the ‘Our Year 2 Learning Journey’ tab.
For some suggested activities and resources that would support and enrich the children’s learning and wellbeing see the ‘Suggested Home Learning’ tab.
For some additional opportunities to learn more about our Year Group endangered animal Turtles see the ‘endangered animals’ tab.