To support your children with their learning at home we recommended:
Homework for Year 2 will be handed out every Friday in their purple Homework books. They will also have spellings that they will be tested on the following Friday. Please ensure that homework books are returned to school on Wednesday. Children will have a My Maths login where they can access online learning set every week for maths. You can access it from here:

1. Reading daily with your child. You may take turns so sometimes it is you reading and sometimes it is your child reading. Ask your child questions about the book and have a discussion about what they have read. Please read at least 15 minutes every day to support their reading, spelling and writing in class.
2. Talking to your child about their day and asking them to share the learning they have done in school.
3. Accessing free enrichment opportunities – walks and trips to the park, going to the library, visiting Museums in London.
4. Bug Club – We will be using Bug Club in Year 2. All children will have a log-in in their Reading Record. Please log in using . The School code is: qsj9 followed by your child’s username and password.
5. BBC Bitesize for some resources –
7. Practise reading and spelling the common exception words for Year 2 which can be found below.